Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Public Employee Unions

Should unions who represent public employees be allowed to donate time, money and their support to politicians?

I don't think so. When is the last time a non-public employee got to pick and choose their boss on a regular basis? It is no wonder that our government agencies are all on the verge of bankruptcy.

I don't give much weight to the obvious argument by the unions that this tramples on their rights of free speech. The individual members are still free to do, say, contribute and vote as they desire. Since Unions can't vote I am not sure how they qualify for unlimited free speech. We have already banned priests from participating in politics or their churches could lose their tax-exempt status. Sounds pretty close to me.

Don't forget that the last time a union had the power that public employee unions wield we ended up with the Teamsters and the current U.S. Automotive Industry.

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