Friday, November 11, 2005

Decision Angst

Yesterday I explained why UPromise had lost a lot of it's shine for me lately. Part of that discussion involved how my decision to stop using the UPromise Credit Card caused me continuing angst.

Imagine my surprise while reading the Oct. 17th issue of Forbes magazine, during my flight home, you wouldn't believe how much reading an airplane ride can allow one to catch up on, I find an article detailing how Economic theory has a new area called Behavioral Economics. It takes the theory that we humans always act rationally unfettered by emotion or impulse and adds in the fetters.

Having once studied economics I was familiar with this theory and it was at the root of why I questioned my angst regarding the credit card decision. Suddenly, allowing for emotion I was allowed to have this angst. It is allowed if not expected.

The article went into some detail on expiraments they were conducting and how by putting an attractive female on an ad mailer the response rate skyrocketed when compared to cutting the interest rate 4 % pts on the same mailer. This immediately had me thinking of TV commercials (also mentioned in the article, can't claim any genius on this breakthrough) and especially the one for the firm that will sell your TimeShare. Darned if I remember who that company is since I don't own a time share nor intend to pick one up in the near future. What I do remember is that the very first image in the ad is a sexy, blonde female laying on a float in a pool in a tiny bikini. I had mentioned this ad to my wife in the past with the perplexing question of, "What does that lady have to do with selling my timeshare? Do they promise that in the pool of what ever time share I buy? Do I get that in my pool if they sell my timeshare?" As an expirament I should purchase and then sell my timeshare and figure out where this lady comes into the picture.

This transitions nicely into my issues with advertising, especially TV ads. Tomorrow we discuss what I like and what I don't like. Having just gone through an election there is plenty of fodder.

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