Monday, November 28, 2005

Justice in Florida?

How many of you saw the school teacher (age 25) who plead guilty to having sex with a student (age 14) and received probation?

Are you kidding me? A woman whose lawyer described her as 'too pretty' to go to jail has sex with a child and gets off with probation and filing as a sex offender. If that had been a man with a young girl he would have been dragged to the town center and strung up from the nearest tree.

Everyone who agreed to this settlement should be fired.

Where are her neighbors in all of this? Everytime I hear of a pedophile getting out of jail the neighbors where they will be living are up in arms, carrying torches and demanding that the person spend eternity in jail and never be released to endanger their children. This lady never went to jail and never had counseling so she MUST be a significant risk of repeating her sin. Why isn't she being run out of town?

Oh well, I guess she was having sex with a boy and that is what boys are supposed to be doing and girls are supposed to be saying 'No' so it wasn't that bad was it. Bullshit, do the crime, do the time!!!

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