Friday, December 16, 2005

Bonus - My Wife's Complaint

On Friday my wife takes the baby girl to My Gym - an exercise place for babies and small children. After today's visit they went across the street to a store called Tuesdays...... which sells home goods stuff. My wife was looking for picture frames.

The store displays were a disaster. Despite this she found a few items to acquire. She then went to checkout. There was a man there asking for a large bag from the clerks. They responded they didn't have any in a less then friendly manner without looking at the man. He then said he was deaf and repeated his question. The clerks simply got more surly and continued to not look at the man so he couldn't see their lips.

Another lady was leaving and reiterated - the man said he is deaf so he can't hear your response. The clerks gave her a nasty look. The man gave up and left. My wife's purchases were put in a paper bag and she asked why they couldn't have offered the man one of these. The still surly clerk said they didn't have any large bags......

Then my wife went to Von's next door. A place she hates due to an issue while once working there involving a manager, sexual harrassment and retribution. Too bad she didn't know a good lawyer at that time, she could have retired.

Anyway, standing outside the Von's were several of their teeny booper employees and the store manager all enjoying a cigarette. Did I mention they were RIGHT OUTSIDE the entrance, less then 10 feet away. Never mind that the rule in California is not within 25 feet of a public building, forget the entrance. My wife turned and left, there are plenty of other stores where the staff is a bit more curteous.

Maybe this had something to do with the stores being in the beach area which isn't really known for its maturity, I don't know. What I do know is that my wife won't even try to go back there.

PS- I don't care that the 20 somethings party around the beach, I did that when I was that age as well. I just don't care to see that attitude at a retail store that isn't targetting the beach/surfer crowd. Actually, the stores doing that are usually much nicer then what my wife experienced.

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