Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Coke Rewards

As a regular drinker of Coke products I started entering the ‘codes’ for Coke Rewards on their website and have managed to accumulate a few points, just enough to get a t-shirt that says Coke.  Checking my email I receive notification that an item on my wish list, the t-shirt, is running low and may no longer be available soon.  I rush to the website and sure enough, t-shirts are gone.


A suggestion to Coke.  Printing several thousand t-shirts with a Coke logo is CHEAP.  The advertising generated by thousand of folks walking around wearing a Coke t-shirt is worth handing them out for free, never mind making us collect bottle caps at 3 points apiece to get something like 200 points to earn one. 


At my point collection rate there isn’t anything I want from this promo that I can achieve now that the t-shirts are gone.  Do they think this will engender good will towards Coke?  I had been trying to improve my habits and was drinking water with a Coke as a reward when I finished whatever amount I had to drink.  I hate drinking water.  This promo got me drinking more Coke again but if it all comes to nothing I could decide to try the healthy thing again.


Several years ago my sister got a Generation Next t-shirt from Pepsi and gave it to me.  I never drink Pepsi unless some restaurant holds me hostage and that is all they serve.  I have worn that t-shirt for at least 5 years on a regular basis giving Pepsi tons of advertising.  It is finally wearing out and Coke has an opportunity.  Will they let it pass?

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Thursday, June 22, 2006

Fashion Designer Advice

This morning on the TODAY show I caught a segment where a fashion maven provided advice on what to wear to weddings depending on how the invitation described the dress code.  Although one might argue with any particular style what I found questionable was a casual formal selection for men.  The model came out in a fantastic suit from Brooks Brothers for around $750.  The description went on to the shirt for $20 from Marshall’s……


If I spent $750 for my suit at Brooks Brothers I would not be buying a cheap oh shirt at Marshall’s for $20.  I would probably go whole hog and buy the shirt at Brooks Brothers.  Why risk ruining the look of a fantastic suit by going el cheapo on the shirt?


During this time I also heard that Nellie Furtado (sp?) was coming right up.  Just so happens I am in NY and the office is right next to the outdoor stage so I walked by it on my way in.  Did I see Nellie?  No, I saw Nelly or some other rap singer who looks the same – turns out it was Timbaland, guess he learned hooked on Phonics and liked his boots a lot.  This got me asking myself why is it that singers who aren’t black and male need to have black male singers join them?  Sometimes the black males band together to help the newbie get some publicity and build up their reputation but recently it seems to be female singers needing the black male on stage and in their songs. 


Seems they must want to perpetuate the male treating women like sh*t.  I can’t think of any other reason why.  I have seen many a man treat women like playthings and the women eat it up.  They love the guy and think he will change.  Forget it he is with the neighbor right now treating her like trash too.


Hmm, starting to sound like Bill Cosby.

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Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Enforcing Immigration Laws

I was in a rush this morning but saw a headline on the USA Today left at my hotel room door.  It was to the effect that Large City Police Forces (and probably small city and town as well) don’t enforce the illegal immigrant laws as they see it as a Federal issue and a Federal law.


Aren’t most laws federal or state?  Very few are actually city or town laws besides basic nuisance regulations (not that the regulations are nuisances but they attempt to ban things that would be a nuisance to residents) like speed limits, noise restrictions, leash laws, etc.  Murder is federal and/or state.  Drug laws are federal.  Both get the full attention of the police.  One gets them headlines and publicity, bad if not solved, neutral to good if solved, the other gets publicity AND has the prospect of seizing property that the town/police can use to pad their budgets.  Illegal immigrants just fill up the jail.


Maybe the article mentions this, I don’t know, didn’t have time to read it.  I don’t get to opt in or out of what rules I obey, odd they can opt not to enforce rules.  Wouldn’t failure to enforce the rules be a crime too?

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Monday, June 19, 2006

Fat Children

Politicians have seized open childhood obesity to remove fast foods, ban soda machines and legislate sweets out of schools. All with the intent of showing that they are serious about the problem and are taking action. The question we should be asking our politicos is when they will start legislating something that will actually work on reducing obesity in children?

Many times I have stood in line behind a family using food stamps to acquire their weekly groceries. They have one cart with the milk, eggs, whole grain cheerios and bread paid for with food stamps. They have a second cart with the Eggo Waffles, Potato Chips, Hostess Twinkies and the 3lb bag of M&Ms paid for with cash. Some folks may say this is an aberration from the norm but I can’t remember a single instance of seeing someone use food stamps and not having a second batch of garbage food paid for with cash although I am sure it must occur.

Then there is the single mother on welfare wearing more bling then 50 Cent but that is another topic. 50 Cent wears lots of bling doesn’t he? I am showing my age.

What children eat is only a part of the problem. A complete lack of exercise is more to blame. As a child I didn’t have a strictly healthy diet and once in high school spent plenty of money on candy, soda and pizza yet I wasn’t fat. At times I was downright svelte. Drinking in college would pack on a bit of extra weight during the winter when I didn’t go out and do anything but once summer rolled around I would drop the extra baggage within a month thanks to a job mowing lawns.

I grew up in Maine where my folks had a large plot of land and my best friend’s family had a farm. Another elderly neighbor had over 40 acres including a large hill that they allowed everyone to slide on in the winter. I spent considerable amounts of time outside playing, exploring and doing what kids used to do. I would ride my bike to my friends or vice versa and we would play baseball, play football, skateboard, build forts in the woods, explore the hay loft, etc. Sure, there were times we sat inside and played games but those tended to be the rainy or cold days when going outside was a bit uncomfortable.

I now live in San Diego where the neighbor’s house is a hop away if you make a really short hop. Yards are the size of a postage stamp and pickup games of baseball are impossible. Children who live in residential areas in the suburbs would have to play baseball in the street to have enough room just to lay out the bases. Either that or go to a local park which they can’t do without supervision as they are now at an extremely high risk of being kidnapped by a pedophile. Where did all these pedophiles come from? Where were they when I was younger?

My old hometown has changed as well. The elderly neighbors passed away and the out of state heirs sold the land. The sledding hill is now home to a very large house. My friend’s farm was just sold and only developers could afford the price as taxes had gone through the roof on the real estate, a main reason for the sale. There are still yards and kids can still play outside but even there the opportunities are disappearing slowly.

A Senator Barrios in Massachusetts is proposing an amendment to ban Fluff in schools. If you are from New England you probably know what a Peanut Butter and Fluff sandwich is. Otherwise just accept that it is a standard childhood meal along the lines of peanut butter and jelly. Combining Peanut Butter, Jelly and Fluff was the ultimate. He was upset his child had been given such a sandwich for school lunch. I won’t go anywhere near claiming that Fluff is a healthy food alternative but when someone specifically legislates a single food item out things are spinning out of control. Since Apples are better then peaches, according to the Apple lobby, shouldn’t we ban peaches for apples? Ok, I made that up for effect.

Senator Barrios should stop worrying about the specific items in the school lunch program and pass legislation that does two things. Simply require healthy lunches in schools and more physical education time. Yes, healthy is a loose term but why not let the school districts decide what is healthy and if parents disagree let them argue it out at the local school district level. This fear of parent arguments will keep the lunch programs in line a vast majority of the time and not make the School Lunch Police Force a new requirement to enforce the no Fluff Law. Physical Education will get kids moving. It might even cause a few to recognize an activity they like and take it up. At the very least it gets them out for and hour or two a day. School Days are short enough that an extra 30 minutes of PE wouldn’t hurt, eliminate some of the study halls the older kids have.

The irony of Senator Barrios’ action is that the company that manufactures Fluff is situated in his district meaning he is advocating a law that could get his constituents fired as their sales theoretically decrease. A stupid law that costs him support, if only justice were always so easy.

LATE Breaking Update. Last night and this morning this story was on the Major News Networks. The folks at Fox in the Morning made A**es of themselves with the story.

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