Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Enforcing Immigration Laws

I was in a rush this morning but saw a headline on the USA Today left at my hotel room door.  It was to the effect that Large City Police Forces (and probably small city and town as well) don’t enforce the illegal immigrant laws as they see it as a Federal issue and a Federal law.


Aren’t most laws federal or state?  Very few are actually city or town laws besides basic nuisance regulations (not that the regulations are nuisances but they attempt to ban things that would be a nuisance to residents) like speed limits, noise restrictions, leash laws, etc.  Murder is federal and/or state.  Drug laws are federal.  Both get the full attention of the police.  One gets them headlines and publicity, bad if not solved, neutral to good if solved, the other gets publicity AND has the prospect of seizing property that the town/police can use to pad their budgets.  Illegal immigrants just fill up the jail.


Maybe the article mentions this, I don’t know, didn’t have time to read it.  I don’t get to opt in or out of what rules I obey, odd they can opt not to enforce rules.  Wouldn’t failure to enforce the rules be a crime too?

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1 comment:

Hui said...

Quality!!i did not know you had a site :-) Now i get to catch up on all the ranting i've missed while i've been away.